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So…What’s your story? (Cual es tu historia, english version)

! Good day! For everyone that doesn’t remember who I am, well, Hello I say! I’m still named Amelia, the same one that utters words in a desperate desire to be big in this world; to have power beyond what’s allowed. Something many have desired, but so few have seen such desires through. I’m what some of you have catalogued as, well, a “whore”. Just for the simple sin of being an actress. For reflecting and portraying historical moments or for mirroring the feelings of people I’m not in the form of a character. There are those who identify with me. I’m Amelia; the one that receives words of advice from family members suggesting her what to do next, and where to go next. I’ve always had people behind my ears whispering: “Marry someone rich! You’ll be able to travel the world! You’ll have the riches everyone was dreamed of! He’ll dote you to no end!” But here I go and ask myself, “Do I really need or want that? Do I deserve a millionaire that might be more concerned about money than anything else?” Of those men, I often hear, of having a “mistress” on every corner. They get home with lipstick on their clothes, with perfume on their clothes, they wake you up at the same time the sun does, they get home drunk, and then, in a desperate attempt of you forgiving them or hoping you don’t notice, they bring home a simple gift to win your smile and forgiveness. A gift for being a wonderful wife, they say, to a wonder of a woman, nonetheless. Well they buy your silence, and if you accept that you are condoning their 3,000 girls on their summer homes.
But hey! Do they have me wrong! They underestimated me. Maybe. Then again, who wouldn’t underestimate someone that acts so full of herself and at the same time so unsure of herself and that acts so delicate all the time. Truth is I tend to be just as sensible as I am rude. Here, let me show you what my hands can do to your body, let me show you what my words can make you feel in a time of decadence. I am only me. Behind me? No one. And even if there was someone behind all this, it would be my shadow. A shadow that sometimes all I ask for is its company. I ask for its love, but that I would give my life for one simple innocent kiss. The one that it’s impossible for me to look in any other way. My eyes will be his eyes and where he looks I’ll look.  
Do you know me yet? I am Amelia. The one that is currently 21 years old, but that started being a “whore” at age 12. The one that everyone has underestimated. la que todos han subestimado, con la que todos se reflejan desde siempre. I hope you remembered me, and if you don’t know me, well here I am. Dare yourself to meet me. I’ve given my all. My body and my soul so that my voice, and my experiences enrich other’s life. I set an example of what’s wrong and Wright and whats posible and what’s imposible. This is me. I chose to be here.  Where I go and what I do from here on,  will be my decition alone. No one else rules in my life. If my eyes swerve in other ways it is ‘cause they can do it. But my life, that’s another case. My life should never ever be controlled by anyone else. Just by me, that’s how I am. And this is what I bring. My name is Amelia.
 So then...What’s your story?
                                      ©copyright, Sheila Rosa Castro - 2011


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Amor a Distancia

Sintiendo que poco a poco nos vamos conociendo más, mi memoria se llena de tus recuerdos, de tu nombre. Y es tu nombre quien me hace sonreír, te reflejas en mi espejo, mas cuanto me encanta que te reflejes en el mi bello Narciso. Tan bello como el amor que siento por ti, tan rudo como las situaciones que a diario frecuentamos, pero nos amamos, nos adoramos. Tan clara que esta el agua, y puedo llegar a ver tu vida pasar por 10 inmensos segundos, los cuales me dejas sentir lo imposible que sería vivir sin el anhelo  de tenerte aquí. Vive, vive amor mío, sonríe, y vive, que por ti es por quien amare toda mi vida. Corre, corre como si jamás hubieras corrido, como un niño cuando aprende a caminar, explora como nunca antes jamás. Mi cielo, mi terciopelo, eres mi todo y a la misma vez eres mi nada, te siento tan cerca, pero la lejanía me agarra con su malvada garra. Lejos estas, y no me queda nada más que solo tu recuerdo, que solo un papel con el reflejo de lo que en algún momento fuiste.

La muerte de mi abuela.

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Enojo: Sentimiento en el cual, envuelve el cuerpo de una persona, haciéndola sentir con una fuerza interior, incontrolable, en el cual debes expulsarlo antes de que explote. Me pregunto qué he hecho mal, me pregunto qué hago mal cuanto intento no enojarme, cuando intento llevar la fiesta en paz. Trato de entender muchas cosas dentro de una misma situación. Quisiera ver mas allá de tus ojos, pero es imposible. Noto que aun así uno queriendo estar tranquilo nunca lo podemos estar. Ya no sé. Ya no entiendo que pasa aquí y ahora, ni entiendo que mas debe pasar. Así, como un día puedes estar feliz, al final de ese mismo día llega el enojo... ¡nada puede ser lindo! ya entiendo porque una parte de mí, me decía que la felicidad no existe...